Did you know that you can work with a Buford Fitness coach for only $1 for the first week? At Built Phoenix strong personal training, we offered the first 7 days for only $1. And that $1 goes to either the Safari Mission or the prevent cancer foundation with this donation, you will also get an additional free week of personal training with whichever package that you choose. But the way we do this is very different from any other personal training service. Think of it like painting a picture of the human body. If you were painting a picture of the human body and you were following a specific plan, you would start with the head, then the neck, then the shoulders, and the neck. By the time you got down to your feet, you would be left with a beautiful painting because you followed a specific plan. Working out with your Buford Fitness coach is a lot like this. They provide the success red map for you with a step-by-step process to get you your results. And allow you to keep them forever. It is not going to be those cookie cutter style workouts that happen at other gyms that keep you moving for the entire workout session, but do not actually allow you to see the results that you want. We have so many clients that visit us at first because they are so frustrated with your previous trainer or the gym that they’re coming from or a boot camp that they have done and are not able to see any results and have fallen off the wagon. We want you to reach your fitness goals. On average, our clients lose 17 LBS or 4% body fat and just their first 4 weeks training 3 days a week. Yes you heard that right. Your Buford Fitness coach is going to create a custom tailored workout plan for you so that we can continuously remind you of your goals and allow you to hit them. Once our clients reach their goals, we then encourage them to set new goals and keep pushing for more results. We also give our clients a personalized nutrition guide which gives them very fast results and allows them to keep them forever. We give them some freedom and what they eat, but still make sure that they are eating healthy so that their nutrition is sustainable. When you have sustainable nutrition it allows you to avoid hitting a plateau with your weight loss journey and your fitness journey overall. We combine our three pillars of Health. 1. Fitness, 2. Nutrition, and 3. Accountability. By implementing these systems into your life I can guarantee you that you will reach your fitness goals. Our clients have also reported an increase in energy within their first 10 days of working with us! We have weekly and monthly accountability meetings with all of our clients at Built Phoenix strong because we care so much about our clients and we want to help them in any way possible. We have different Fitness coaches meet with them so that they can see a new face and hear something different from their regular fitness coach that trains with them every single day.
Can The Buford Fitness Coach Teach Me To Eat Better?
When people first meet with us and are looking for a new Buford Fitness coach, they often ask what separates us from other gyms. My initial response to them is that we have weekly and monthly accountability meetings with every single one of our clients. Their response is often wow I’ve never heard of anything like that before. Or I have never experienced anything like that before. But it is extremely important to us at Built Phoenix strong that we meet with each of our clients every single week for their accountability meetings and once a month for their monthly accountability meetings. During these accountability meetings, your Buford Fitness coach is going to celebrate the wins of the week with you. For example, you may have gotten a little bit further down on your back squats. Or you may have had an excellent dinner choice last night. Whatever the case may be, we talk about these during the meetings and then we discuss some goals for the upcoming week during your workouts with your Buford Fitness coach. For example, a goal for next week for a client might be that they need to hold their plank for the entire minute. By including these wins and then talking about the goals for the upcoming week with every single client, it really builds value and allows the client to see that their fitness coach really cares about them and wants them to reach their fitness goals. This is why on average are clients see results within their first four weeks of working with us. Yes we can guarantee that you will see results within their first 4 weeks. On average are clients lose 17 lbs or 4% body fat. They also report an increase in energy and just their first 10 days of starting the Athlete Resurrection program. The Athlete Resurrection program is a 3 month plan that is going to get you into the best shape of your life, allow you to maintain a long-term, and without even having to think about it. We combine coach placid’s three pillars of Health. 1. Fitness, 2. Nutrition, and 3. Accountability. by implementing these systems into your life, it is going to get you your results and allow you to keep them forever. On top of that, we include a personalized nutrition guide that is going to give you some freedom and what you eat, while still having to eat healthy. We provide a series of lists and a series of foods for each meal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. For example, an ideal breakfast would include a lean protein Source, a starchy carbohydrate, and either a fruit or vegetable, with a tablespoon of a good fact. This is just one example of what you can find on our nutrition guide. Another reason that we have weekly and monthly accountability meetings with all of our clients is because your fitness coach wants to coach you and hold you accountable throughout the entire process. By doing so, this makes the client feel appreciated and wants them to continue training with us after their first 90 days.