Built Phoenix strong is the home source of the Athens resurrection plan. The athlete Resurrection plan is a 12-week program designed to get former athletes back into shape for good. This program has been around for several years and has since changed the lives of over 600 former athletes. One former athlete named Julian used to play basketball. After basketball he had lost the majority of his muscle mass because he no longer had structured work outs from his coaches like in School. Once he began training at the Built strong personal training Roswell he put on 17 lbs of lean muscle while dropping 6% body fat at the same time. He was quoted as saying he felt like he looks even better than he did when he played college basketball. This is a short sample of the type of stories we have for personal training Roswell when working out at built Phoenix strong. We are the number one training studio in the entire city because we take the time to teach our clients the pillars of Health that will allow them to be successful. Our version of success is not just inside the gym. It is not just inside of the body. It is outside of the gym and it is outside of the body. It is the mind and it is the lifestyle that each and every single one of our clients. This is part of the success roadmap at Built Phoenix Strong. Studies show that it takes 21 days to create a new habit we shoot for 90 days to make sure that this is a lifestyle and not just any lifestyle but a permanent one for personal training Roswell. This is why our clients lose 17 lbs on average in their first month. That’s many other places people are lucky to lose 5 to 10 pounds in a year oh, but that is not the case when training at built Phoenix strong, with us you will reach your goal and you’ll reach it fast because we will create a healthy lifestyle that’s doesn’t allow unwanted fat to remain on your body because you are healthy from the inside and you are relieved of your stress, many people do not realize that stress can actually lead to weight gain, once that stress is removed from your life the weight leaves as well. In regards to nutrition we teach our clients to have three full meals each and every day. Eating these three full meals Everyday Will Allow your body to have high energy levels, maintain muscle mass, and build new muscle as well. Not only that but you also burn away unwanted body fat from your body so that you are left with nice lean and tone muscles. We also help you get rid of your stomach and get your abs back and looking fantastic. We guide our clients along the journey with accountability meetings where we go through metrics and what each client needs to work on in order to stay on track tours to their desired goals and how to reach their goals in the quickest fashion humanly possible.
What is built Phoenix strong, it is a facility located in the hearts of Atlanta. This is the best place to go for personal training Roswell. Built Phoenix strong health people that are former athletes get back into shape again. This is done by teaching them how to be healthy or both shirt short-term and long-term goals and results. We hire state-of-the-art staff, our trainers go through an intense three-step process in order to make sure that they are the absolute best at what they do before coming to join built Phoenix draw. The reason that we go through this process is to make sure that we are providing all of our clients with the best service possible and the best chainers possible are a huge parts of that. Our founder coach Placid was a national championship football coach, and also has a degree in health and exercise science, and was one of the best trainers in the entire country. This was prior to him starting his own Jim that he dedicated towards former athletes. From their built Phoenix strong began to Branch out into helping anyone that was looking to get into shape. Getting into shape can be losing fat, building muscle, or even just turning up the body. The area that’s most people struggle with is their stomach, but that’s built Phoenix draw we put together a system to help you get rid of your stubborn stomach for good. We are a personal training Roswell facility that has developed a 12 week program that I can get you from where you are to your desired goal and as little as 12 weeks. This is because we develop a success roadmap for each client. During your initial assessment at our studio we assess your nutrition and we grade you on how well you do during your workouts. This assessment allows us to create a general starting point for you based on your General Health and Fitness. From there we are able to gauge how long it will take you to get to your desired goal and what needs to be done in the meantime. We create a visual for this so that’s clients can actually see the step by step process for them to get to where they want. Our clients love receiving a success Road math because this is a feature that is not offered at any other personal training roswell gym. Once the success roadmap is constructed leave then know which parts of the athletes Resurrection plan the clients can begin at, from there the client begins their path to success by completing the athletes resurrection plant. They’re out there athlete Resurrection plan the client needs weekly and monthly with the head trainer to assess their weight loss, body fat loss, and muscle development. Also during these meetings we let you know what are do you want to improve on during the workouts in order to keep you on track towards your desired goals. This is why our clients lose anywhere from 17 to 25 lb in just their first month because the process is laid out in a way that makes success inevitable for the client.