Built Phoenix strong is a personal training company located in Roswell Georgia. This facility specializes in health and fitness and helping clients to lose weight, burn fat, build muscle, and tone up their bodies. Our approach to personal training is to get our clients not just short-term results but also long-term results as well. We strive to be different from the other gyms in that we do not just believe in the work out here and there approach but more so creating a lifestyle that creates a permanent change in each and every one of our clients.
What we do is teach former athletes how to workout, how to eat, and hold them accountable to the highest standard. This is what separates us when personal training Roswell. Many athletes are only ever told what to do, but they are never taught how to do it. At Built Phoenix Strong we take former athletes and teach them how to do it so that they have their results long-term. Our clients also report an increase in energy, this increase in energy can affect every other area of their life because they will have more energy to devote to other aspects of life. Our client Latrina had been struggling with her energy levels prior to starting at built Phoenix strong, her personal training Roswell started at our facility.
When she had been training with built Phoenix strong for a couple of weeks she reported a dramatic increase in energy, her colleagues said that they could feel that she was more energetic and that she seemed happier at work this led to her getting a promotion. These are the kind of stories that we love to tell about our clients at Built Phoenix Strong. The success of our personal training clients comes from the Phoenix system which was developed by our founder Placid Ajoku.
The Phoenix system is derived from three main pillars. Over his time of studies and research through University he discovered that there are really three main factors that contribute to a person being able to have short-term and long-term health while looking and feeling the way that they desire. The three pillars that he discovered are nutrition, accountability, and fitness. Fitness is the most common one because that’s the actual working out, this tends to be everyone’s favorite part because once you learn how to work out and you know that the exercise you’re doing is going to be effective it makes working out that much more fun and sustainable. Many people do not like working out because they do not know how to work out so they do the wrong exercises, then they do not see change, and they get frustrated and they stop working out.
Once you are a personal training Roswell client at Built Phoenix Strong we then teach you how to work out by showing you our list of compound movements that burn the maximum amount of fat while building the most muscle possible in a short amount of time. Our workouts are designed to be extremely efficient for those with open schedules or very tight busy work schedules. We understand that life can be crazy at times and we create our workouts to fit perfectly into your lifestyle. Nutrition is probably the most important factor in determining your health. We teach clients how to eat so that they still have some freedom while still eating healthy. Many people are led to believe that in order to be healthy you have to stop eating the foods you like. This is not true, and that is why we teach the metabolism calculator during your first week at Built Phoenix Strong. This metabolism calculator once taught allows you to know how you can incorporate the foods that you still like into your lifestyle without giving up your health goals.
Built Phoenix strong is the top personal training studio in Atlanta. We specialize in taking former athletes and getting them back into shape. For most, when they are playing sports that is when they are in the best shape of their lives, however when people finish playing sports they tend to gain weight, develop bad eating habits, and create a non-healthy lifestyle. At built Phoenix strong we strive to solve this problem for good. What we do for our clients at Built Phoenix strong is we create a personal training Roswell experience that leads to a healthy lifestyle.
This healthy lifestyle can be maintained both inside and outside of the gym. They are maintained by including three pillars. Our founder believes that these are the three main pillars of Health, he discovers these pillars over numerous years of undergraduate research trial and error and in the field experiences. The three main pillars of Health are Fitness Nutrition and accountability, the combination of these three pillars leads to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for our personal training Roswell clients.
This healthy lifestyle not only leads to weight loss, fat loss, muscle development, and other benefits. But it also leads to an increased level of energy. Many former athletes struggle with their energy levels. This is because they are not as active as they were when they were playing sports, but now they have developed poor eating habits and or workout habits thus leading to them having less energy. When the three pillars of Health are installed and the energy levels increase they tend to it affect other areas of life for example relationships with family, co-workers, and money. We strive to make sure that our personal training Roswell clients succeed in every way of life possible. We are located in Roswell Georgia, and we are open six days a week.
The reason we are open six days a week is we want to give our clients as many chances to be as healthy and active as possible. We have flexible scheduling. We open up as early as 5 a.m. on Monday through Friday. Monday through Thursday we close at 8 pm. This allows us to accommodate the clients and may not get off work until later in the day. On Friday we close at 6 pm. On the weekends we are only open Saturday, and this is a great day to come in to meet new people create a team-like atmosphere while reaching your fitness goals. Sunday is our rest day as a group, and we all come back together again the next Monday to keep attacking our health and fitness goals.
On average our clients lose anywhere from 17,000 for percent body fat in just their first month of personal training. Jason had not been previously working out after two and a half months of training at built Phoenix strong Jason was able to lose 65 pounds, and not only did he lose this weight but he has kept this way off to this day because he has created a healthy lifestyle by including the three main cause of Health stop by us right here on Old Alabama Road.