At built Phoenix strong we are all about health. Health is not just about the outside and it’s not just about the inside. Health is a true date both inside and outside of the body. The state is a lifestyle that allows a person to be healthy for life. Health is the way you walk health is your habits each and every day, health is the way you carry yourself mentally and physically. Ads build Phoenix strong we looked to create a culture where our clients are healthy and each and every way. And this begins with Fitness, getting a workout done early in the morning can kick-start your entire day. This can lead to increased energy levels and does increased energy levels lead to you being more productive throughout the day. Not only does it increase your energy levels but it can also be a stressful livre, people tend to be very stressed from all kinds of situations whether it is work, family, and various other situations.
Our personal training Roswell clients are healthy and each and every way by creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable for them. This healthy lifestyle then also begins to rub off on our client’s families. Because these healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle becomes contagious, people can feel when you have more energy, people can feel when you’re less stressed, and they then want this to. This is why many of our clients get promotions get new relationships and get new outfits. A healthy lifestyle is sunny that can carry you a very long way, but the first step is committing to having one. This first step is our consultation at Phoenix, the consultation takes place at our personal training Roswell Studio off Old Alabama Road.
During this consultation, we will assess where you are at and what changes you are looking for in your health. Over the course of the next week, we will put together a successive road map that outlines the path that you need to follow in order to achieve your goals, and Achieve them in a timely manner. We don’t want our clients chasing goals forever and ever, we want them to reach them and hit them and conquer them. This adds even more to the psyche of our clients, that’s creating even more positive effects on that lifestyle. This consultation is done with the founder himself, or he ceases exactly what is going on in your life, and what has held you back so far from reaching your health and fitness goals.
After your first week is done to enter success roadmap has been put together, we then let you know how long it is going to take you to achieve your desired goal. The second key to the lifestyle is a customized nutrition guide that allows you to have long-term success in your health. These healthy foods will contribute to your energy levels, they will keep you focused during the day, and they will affect other areas of your life as well. Where is the old saying that you cannot out-train a bad diet in this is true? At built Phoenix strong are personal training Roswell clients are provided with nutrition plans that allow them to see results.
Our nutrition plans are not too strict, so they give some Freedom while still having our clients eat healthily. This is the key to making this nutrition plan sustainable long-term. The third key to achieving this lifestyle of long-term health is accountability. It is so difficult to make it through a journey on your own, and this is why obese T rates are at an all-time high. Because people try to lose weight and work out and come up with other techniques all on their own and at least of them falling off and being unsuccessful. These people then become frustrated and give up, but with the proper accountability in place being successful becomes inevitable instead of hopeful. At Built Phoenix Strong we have accountability systems with our professional trainers and coaches where we sit down with our clients each and every month for personal training Roswell and discuss where they’re at, what they need to work on, what they are doing great at, and the goals for the next month. He also assesses nutrition, because all nutrition is submitted in photo form to your accountability coach, this allows are strainers to keep our tribe clients in check by being updated daily on what foods are going into our client’s bodies so they can guide them on the right path to success.
So during the accountability meeting, the nutrition is broken down we talked about what meals were great, what meals needs to be worked on, and what little chicks can be added to our daily nutrition in order to make our success that much easier and attainable. Our gym is open six days a week and this is in order to allow our clients to get healthy and fit. We get open and going as early as 5 a.m. so that many clients can reap the benefits of an early morning workout and see just how much that can kick-start your energy levels, it allows our clients to get their workout in before work and sometimes before their kids are even awake. The only day that we do not open at 5 a.m. is on Saturdays on Saturdays we open at 8 a.m. for our personal training Roswell.
We are closed on Sundays. we are the most reviewed gym in the city because we put our clients first and create a system that allows them to see the results that they have been longing to see. It can be frustrating when you want to see a physical change in your body and you are not able to attain it. This is not a problem for our clients because we put the necessary systems in place for them to be successful. Any gyms will give cookie-cutter workouts that are designed to keep a person active but not necessarily get them their goals, we do not do this, we provide tailored roadmap to success for each and every client so that they become very successful.
This was true for one of our clients named Alicia oh, she had struggled with her weight after finishing college basketball. When she finished playing she had gained almost 37 lb, shed also had a couple of children along the way. Once she was enrolled at Bill Phoenix strong and learned the Phoenix system she was able to lose almost 40 lb and fit back into all her old clothes. She reported feeling even better than she did when she was playing sports and it was because she had implemented the three main pillars of Health that are necessary for you to have short-term and long-term success in your health.