Do you know what the suggested daily serving of fruits and vegetables is? Most people don’t. And for most people, it is extremely challenging to have the suggested daily intake of fruits and vegetables. When you meet with your Roswell fitness coach, they talk about the three most important pillars of health: fitness, nutrition, and accountability. They provide an entire fitness presentation and a nutrition guide that talks about what types of foods you should be eating with every meal like a lean protein, carbohydrate, and a fruit or vegetable.
That should be with all three meals per day. If you eat a fruit or vegetable with breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, then you are having the suggested daily intake of fruits and vegetables. You will also be responsible for uploading pictures of each meal to your Roswell fitness coach so they can see you are following the nutrition guide and eating enough meals per day. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables has many health benefits like reduced blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, and it helps with digestive problems. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also have a lot of fiber in them, which is good for you. It also leads to a healthy, balanced diet. When you are trying to be healthy and lose weight, it is highly suggested that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday. Whether that be spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, avocados, blueberries, and raspberries.
These are great examples of fruits and vegetables to eat that are rich in vitamins and minerals. As I mentioned before, your Roswell fitness coach will provide a list of fruits and vegetables in the nutrition guide that are recommended for you to eat. One of the best greens that you can eat that helps shrink the stomach is spinach. We tell our clients if you are the type of person who does not like the taste of spinach on its own, throw it into your protein shake so that you can’t really taste it but are still getting a good intake of spinach! If you are going to eat a lot of fruit, make sure it is something like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries.
They are better for you than having something like grapes. Apples are another good example. Grapes have a lot of sugar in them, so we do not recommend eating a lot of those on a daily basis. It is important you do not just eat all fruits and no vegetables. Make sure that you are switching it up with your meals. Whether that be a fruit like an apple or strawberries with breakfast, spinach with your lunch, and maybe a fruit and vegetable with your dinner. You never want to just have one of the same things over and over. If you are curious about what types of fruits and vegetables you should be eating, you can ask your personal trainer at Built Phoenix Strong during your weekly accountability meeting and they will tell you if it is good or not. They can also provide a grocery list for you to use when you are doing your weekly grocery shopping. Call us today!
How Does This Roswell Fitness Coach Meet Your Needs?
The difference between quitters and fighters is doing something on the hard days when they do not feel like it most. Have you ever been so tired after work that you do not feel like still having to drive to the gym, work out, and then drive home? Yeah, trust me we have all been there. However, it is how you respond to that thought when you leave work that makes all the difference. It is being able to work out even when you don’t want to. We have the perfect solution for you. Work with a Roswell fitness coach.
They will design and plan all of your workouts for you and all you have to do is show up after work and get through a high intensity, thirty minute workout with them. Yes, it is thirty minutes of non-stop, high intensity exercises. They will train you and guide you through each exercise based on your physical ability and endurance. When you first meet with us, we discuss your health and wellness goals and determine what you want your body to look like three months from now, even six months from now. Looking later down the road.
Our average client either loses twenty pounds of four percent body fat in their first month! Do you know why? Because we hold our clients to a different standard and hold them accountable by checking in on them during the day to confirm the workout they are doing with a Roswell fitness coach after work. On top of that, we meet with every single client once a week for their weekly accountability meeting. This takes it a step further by going over their current health and wellness results, what their wins were for the week, and where we need to make some changes and see some improvement.
By having a Roswell fitness coach that pushes you and works with you during every workout, it makes it nearly impossible to not work out when you do not want to. Our personal trainers at Built Phoenix Strong have such high energy and greet you with such a warm smile when you get to the studio that you suddenly forget how tired you were and how you did not feel like working out today. Working out is a mental thing.
You have to push through and persevere even through the hard days. When you begin working with us, you suddenly do not feel like skipping your workouts because you are actually seeing results that you have been chasing for for so many months. When you work with one of our trainers, you instantly feel more alert and awake at the beginning of your training session because of their infectious personalities. We simply hire the best personal trainers in the state of Georgia. We hold them to a much higher standard than our other competitors. That is why we are the number one rated gym in Roswell. We can offer you a free fitness assessment and the first seven days are just one dollar.