If you work with a Buford Fitness coach, you are going to see results quickly. you will have what we call an all-inclusive membership. Our membership includes the three pillars of health. fitness, nutrition, and accountability. we are going to implement these systems into your life and it’s going to get you your results. because it is important for you to have the right plan. What your body needs in order to reach its goals is a specific Fitness plan. It is designed to help your body see the changes you want. The first step for you is having the right plan. we are going to get you into the best shape of your life with no thinking involved. all you have to do is show up ready to work.

 You need to follow along with everything that  your Buford Fitness coach is telling you. Our clients do this on top of Fitness workouts. Your fitness workouts are going to be tailored towards your specific Fitness goals. whether you are looking to lose 50 lb or gain 20 lb of muscle. It does not matter, the workouts will be specific towards reaching that. They’re not going to be generic workouts like what happens at most gyms. those workouts keep you active, but not actually reaching your Fitness goals. we don’t do that here.

 Your Buford Fitness coach is also going to provide a custom meal plan for you. Within this meal plan, you are also going to have a restaurant guide. This teaches you how to order your food at a restaurant so that it’s healthy for you. because it is extremely challenging to go to a restaurant and Order healthy food. It is often covered in so much salt and butter that it is like eating fast food. Our restaurant guide is going to fix that for you. we are also going to include a custom meal plan to teach you how to properly fuel your body. you need to focus on having whole foods that are going to help you see results. we want your nutrition to become sustainable so you can keep your results forever.

 Your Buford Fitness coach is going to inform you to send in meal pictures daily. so that we can see what you are eating every single day to stay on track. We are also going to have daily meal check-ins with you after each workout session. This is where we will review your meal pictures and talk about what areas of improvement there are. The meal plan is going to focus on high protein and low carbohydrate options for a weight loss client. if you’re trying to build muscle, then you will want to have carbohydrates with each meal. it does not have to be a large portion but enough to see results. A big reason people struggle to gain muscle is because they are not eating enough protein. It is extremely important to keep up your protein intake daily. These are just some of the ways we teach you how to fuel your body properly with the all-inclusive membership.

When you work with a Buford Fitness coach, you are going to have challenging workouts. We are going to put together a custom workout plan for you based on your Fitness goals. No matter if you are looking to lose weight or build muscle, we have the right workout plan. It is not going to be cookie cutter workouts like what happens at most gyms. because those types of workouts keep you active, but not actually reaching your goals. These workouts are going to be structured based on your goals you are trying to reach. However, they are going to be more of a high intensity style with strength training and cardio.

On top of the workouts, your all inclusive membership is going to come with nutrition and accountability. so you will have custom tailored workouts and a custom meal plan. Your Buford Fitness coach is going to provide a custom meal plan for you. So that you can lose weight and keep it off for good. This is the biggest struggle clients face is learning how to keep weight off of them. They will either lose 30 to 50 lb, but then within 6 months they have gained some of it back. We want to help you prevent that from happening.

 Your custom meal plan is going to be based on your Fitness goals. If you are weight loss, then you need to focus on portion size and low carb choices. you really only need to have carbohydrates with two meals a day. Your Buford Fitness coach still wants you to have three meals in total per day. We are going to tell you to have carbohydrates with breakfast and dinner for your first month. Then, you are going to switch to breakfast and lunch next month. This is because the body needs to constantly be changing things up after a certain amount of time. You never want to just remain stagnant. This is what causes clients to hit what is known as a weight loss plateau. 

In order to prevent that, we make sure to have you send in meal pictures daily. We need to monitor the things you are eating to stay on track. We will also have daily meal check-ins with you at the end of every workout session. Here we will review your meal pictures and see if there is any room for improvement. If you are just staying right on track and hitting your goals. this is separate from the weekly accountability meetings. We have weekly accountability meetings with you to keep track of your progress. We want to talk about what is going really well for you. This is all included with your all-inclusive membership. you can come as little as twice a month or an unlimited amount. you can decide what works best for you to reach your goals. this is a great opportunity that you do not want to miss out. We also offer the first 7 days for only $1 so be sure to check us out.