When you hire Buford personal training, you will quickly realize what a great decision you made. This is because you are going to see results in your first month of working with us. it doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose 70 lb or 10 lb, you will see results in your first month. But the way we do things is very different from any other personal training service. We tailor everything towards you and your fitness goals. this includes your workout plan, your meal plan, and your coaching style. we want to make sure that your personal trainer is the best fit for you to help you reach your goals.
What we do here is pair you with the best fitness coach who we feel is going to help you reach your goals this quickest. One of the biggest struggles personal trainers face is not connecting or building relationships with their client. That is not what we are about here at Buford personal training. We want to create a 10 plus experience for all of our clients. We want them to know that we have their back and will help them Reach their fitness goals. This is why we have had clients who have been with us for several years. they do not want to work out on their own because they do not see the value of it compared to working with us.
When someone says they are struggling to work out on their own, we instantly know how to fix this and hope that we can work with them. The biggest reason people fall into this is because they need accountability and motivation. That is what Buford personal training specializes in. we have three pillars of Health that we focus on. Fitness, nutrition, and accountability. when you put all of these together, you will have the most success in results you have ever seen with your Fitness goals. you will also be able to reach your fitness goals and maintain your results long-term. Because of the things that we teach you when you become a client with us. it is not just about working out everyday and sticking to your workouts. Another major factor to having long-term results is eating healthy and having sustainable nutrition. We provide a custom meal plan for all of our clients to enjoy based on their Fitness goals. this is going to give you some freedom in what you eat, while still having you eat healthy. so that your nutrition is sustainable and you can keep your results forever.
We will teach you about automatic portion control and how important it is to eat your meals daily. this is something that a lot of our clients struggle with. they are not eating enough and eating too late and large portions late at night. Eating late at night is a bad habit to form because your body is not able to digest your food before you go to sleep. You want to cut off your eating time by about 2 hours before you go to sleep. This gives your body plenty of time to digest your food and wake up with an empty stomach the next morning.