Working with Buford personal training is an amazing opportunity in order to lose weight and get in shape. Not only will you be able to lose weight, but you will be surrounded by an amazing community. Your personal trainer is going to help you reach your fitness goals and maintain them forever. You may be wondering how this is possible. We are going to show you it is possible to keep your results Forever by teaching you about sustainable nutrition with our simple meal plan and nutrition guide. We include a customized nutrition guide for free in our program. it gives you some freedom in what you eat, while still having you eat healthy. So that your nutrition is sustainable and you can keep your results forever.
With our meal plan, you will also hold yourself accountable and send in mail pictures to Buford personal training everyday. We want to see the things you are eating to hold you accountable and discuss during your weekly accountability meetings. We have a proven system that is similar to a triangle. because when you connect all three pieces, it forms a triangle and cannot be broken. Our three pillars of Health include fitness, nutrition, and accountability. We are going to implement these systems into your life and it’s going to get you your results.
All you have to do is come in for your workouts and be ready to work. These workouts are going to be high intensity, but will help you reach your Fitness goals. Then, you want to make sure you are following the meal plan. Our meal plan is going to have high protein options and low carb options. We want to focus on having more protein and less carbs to see what your body responds better to. Everybody is different and that is why the meal plans are custom to you. We are going to focus on whole foods that will help fuel your body properly. On top of that, we want you to have a recovery protein shake after your workouts. This is to help you replenish everything you just burnt off during the workout. When you finish a workout, your body has a prime recovery mode within 30 minutes of your workout. This is important for you to have a protein shake during that time in order to see more results quicker.
For males, you want to have 40 to 50 g of protein after workout. For females, you want to have 20 to 30 g of protein after your workout. We will teach you about this and recommend different protein powders for you to try. We are also going to look at your meal pictures weekly during your accountability meetings. We want to go over this to make adjustments if we need to and focus on the positive. Buford personal training is going to talk about what you are doing really well that week. They are also going to talk about what areas of improvement you have. For example, you may just be slacking on sending in mail photos. so we want to make sure that we focus on that for the upcoming week. Another example could be increasing your weights each set for one exercise.
Hiring Buford personal training will be the best decision you will ever make. it will also be the best investment for you and your health. we want to help you reach your fitness goals and keep your results forever. but the way that we do that is very different from any other personal training service. the best part about us is we have everything customized for you.
We will sit down and talk about your fitness goals during your first session. We need to know any kind of health issues or physical limitations you may have before we can customize your workout plan. With Buford personal training, all of your workouts are custom tailored to your Fitness goals. This means you are not going to have generic workouts like what happens at most gyms.
You will be working out specifically on your trouble areas. the workouts are going to be challenging, but targeting all of your trouble areas to help you reach your goals. The best part is you will not have to think about any of it or plan your workouts. that is what the beauty of having a personal trainer is all about. on top of that, we provide a simple meal plan for you that’s customized to your Fitness goals. we will provide a series of foods for you to choose from that are simple and nutritious.
All you have to do is follow the meal plan and show up for your workouts in order to see results. We are also going to have weekly accountability meetings with you at Buford personal training. During your accountability meetings, we are going to talk about what is going really well and what needs some improvement. This is only going to make you better and push you to reach your goals. We will create small goals that will help you reach your ultimate goal each week.
Our simple meal plan still gives you some freedom in what you eat, while still having you eat healthy. so that your nutrition is sustainable and you can keep your results forever. Losing weight does not just come with workouts. Nutrition is a key factor to losing weight and keeping it off. You need to fuel your body properly especially after a workout. for example, we encourage you to have a recovery protein shake after every workout. you need to replenish everything you just burnt off during your workout with some protein.
This is super important whether you are trying to build muscle or lose weight. We encourage our simple meal plan to have a high protein and low carb focus. We want to make sure you are getting enough protein in Daily and carbs. We also want you to have healthy fats. Healthy fats help you significantly with your energy throughout the day. A great example of a healthy fat is avocado. Another popular one is Olive oil. We want you to focus on having only one tablespoon with each meal of healthy fats. This is so your diet does not consist of too high fat content.