When you work with Buford personal training, you will quickly see results and reach your goals. You can accomplish this within your first month just training 3 days a week. We will use our pillars of Health to help you reach your Fitness goals. Fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Our coaches are going to help you trim fat and build muscle at the same time. Our systems have proven results to all of our former clients.
You will be able to trim fat with our high intensity workouts at Buford personal training. We will put together custom tailored workouts for you to reach your Fitness goals. This is going to include strength training, cardio, and core. We will demonstrate the exercise to you before you begin your workout. Team Phoenix trainers are also going to make sure to correct form and technique for each exercise. We do this to avoid and prevent any injuries from happening. This is the number one mistake other personal trainers make in the industry. They do not watch their clients closely which then leads to injury.
When you work with Buford personal training, we will help you see results and body composition changes very quickly. This is not just because of the high intensity workouts. We are also going to provide a custom meal plan for you to teach you about proper nutrition. your nutrition is going to focus on high protein and low carb options. We want to see how the body responds to having carbs with only two meals a day. For example, you may have carbs with just breakfast and dinner. Then, depending on your results we will have you eat carbs with breakfast and lunch.
Your body has to go through a shock phase every 30 days in order to maintain results and see them more. This goes for your workouts too. You do not want to do the same workout over and over without switching it up. You will never be able to see results this way or keep your results. This is why a personal trainer is important when it comes to reaching your fitness goals and losing weight. They can put together the workouts for you without you doing any thinking. More importantly, they can hold you accountable and help keep you on track to your goals. Most people struggle working out on their own because they do not have the same motivation.
At Built Phoenix Strong, we have weekly accountability meetings with you to prevent this from happening. We always talk about what your goals are for the upcoming week. Because we believe it is important to set small goals amongst the big weight loss goals. You will never find another gem that communicates with you as much as we do. We create group messages with all of our clients to hold them accountable. your personal trainer will reach out to you every single day.
The best thing about working with us is you simply have to show up for your workouts and we take care of the rest. You will never have to think about what workout you’re going to do or what you should be eating. It is all done for you.